Many people think that they have to learn how to manage money, but this is a misnomer. You must learn how to manage yourself and control your emotions in order to have the ability to manage money. Figuring out how to manage money is a losing game because money cannot be managed. Money is something human beings have created. The real challenge an issue is learning how to manage you, not money.
Unless all of your customers on the Internet, then you better, get that stack of papers on your desk and work to finish the most important task first. The sooner you are finished the more time you will have to do whatever it is you have planned. I am a workaholic, so I have to sway away from informing others my methods of time management. Nevertheless, for the most of us, we have to manage our time in a way that suits our character and what we can handle.
As a man, you are taught from an early age that you must have money. You know that at some point you will have to take care of your family, including your wife. Even though, the media makes it look like women want to contribute, the fact is no woman grows up hoping that she is going to be the bread-winner of her family.
Fast forward, we are in that same world...only now you are a pauper and you cannot afford anything; does this give you your humanity? Does it take it away? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, know that it does not. If you understand nothing else about money understand that it is but only an apparatus in our world, a gadget we use to get around and our main currency of business today. It's not a 'person finder' or a 'creator go here of values'. That's your responsibility. If you get only this from this short discourse you would be well on your way to getting it all!
Consider what I heard a few days ago from a woman I know. "I can't afford to have fun. I'm trying to manage my money." She must have thought I expected managing money to be a distasteful chore that is the penance for overspending. But, I don't think that at all. I do think cutting back on spending so you can pay old debt is the penance for overspending. But managing money is something you should do before you get into debt.
It is self explanatory, isn't it? You should not be making an investment in your business, especially a home business owner, unless it will allow you to make more money as the end and direct result.
After some years of consistent implementation of saving spending and giving you will have create a lifetime lesson that hopefully follows them through their adult years. Just try to be consistent and especially be firm with the saving percentages so that your children will not get into the habit of spending everything that comes into their hands.